Anybody know of places to buy just tamas? If so, what are the paints like on them, and how much do they cost? Thanks!
RWB has tama only options on the wood types they sell. You can get beech tamas on aliexpress for super cheap too.
On pretty rare occasions, Sweets may have a Dama of the Day that's a Sweets tama only. They had mystery tamas a while ago too.
RWB and Grain Theory have really nice tama only options. Both offer multiple wood types too. As far a painted tamas I would say Sourmash is the best around for any custom/painted tama needs.
Well, Sweets used to sell just tamas. Like they had a bunch of cushion clears and natties. I think that they're running low on stock right now because they're probably waiting to move into the new space before ordering more
Got a dwi x Prime for 25 And ill toss in a terra. Not as grippy as cushion but definitely more durable.
Sourmash is similar to Cush and zen and fiesta need to be broken in (which I️ haven’t done) so idk how it is
Search Vivewood on AliExpress. They have natty beech and ash tamas (the ash is regular, not raw ash).
Haha Kendama Syndicate has had some spectra tamas for sale forever. Reason why I laughed so hard when I saw this in the honest company slogan thread: