Not sure if there's a thread for this already, but for those who might give this ago, GLOKEN is accepting trick submissions for the 2019 KWC Tricklist! Mechanics of the submission on this site. Let's get some of that Downspike Love on the KWC tricklist!
The rules say you can upload up to 2 videos per person. Can this be two separate tricks, or just 2 different versions of the same clip??
I think either is fine, as long as you only submit two clips per person. Not sure though since I'm not a rep from GLOKEN.
Not really sure, @kotakago would know. If I had to guess, I'd say two different tricks is probably the case
Here dude:
Kota just spent the weekend filming with the Gallaghers, Stodd, June and Bray. Can't wait to see what they've come up with