Kendama Entertainment Network

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Dama Edit Directory

Discussion in 'The Sesh' started by Edric Owen Ladera, Feb 26, 2019.

  1. Edric Owen Ladera

    Edric Owen Ladera Slayer

    Dec 8, 2016
    Hey Guys,

    So I kinda watched alot of edits from last december till this month watching bunch of edits from Krom(edits that have what I order last black friday) and KUSA(team edits but more on Nobu's part, Bish' Pro Edit, Late 2018-2019 Tribe announcements, Z Mag's edits, Pro Mod Update Edits) respectively, and a few others I remember. Still there are edits that kinda saw but never get to see it completely (kinda searching for other edits of Nobu Nori besides KUSA, Rintaro Kanemoto, and FSKD channels)

    So, I wanna establish a thread that kinda works like a directory or an archieve to every edit based on what anyone wants. And let everybody contribute so everybody gets the best of everything.
    Feb 26, 2019
  2. Edric Owen Ladera

    Edric Owen Ladera Slayer

    Dec 8, 2016
    I'll Start. So I'm looking for Edits of Nobu Nori (includes features of him in other edits). If anyone know that one edit where he was featured and the theme was black, that's the edit I wanna see.

    Just reply on this one.
    Feb 26, 2019
  3. rTTn

    rTTn Slayer

    Oct 11, 2016
    Denver, CO
    Feb 28, 2019
    WhollyTrinity and htimSxelA like this.
  4. Edric Owen Ladera

    Edric Owen Ladera Slayer

    Dec 8, 2016
    @rTTn thanks for this one. But, I wasn't able to find that one Nobu Nori Edit in your playlist. I think it was a Kenhol Edit. Every player was wearing black. still can't remember anything else about the edit. still thanks for this one
    Feb 28, 2019