Can we have a forum section just for trick tips? Or is The Sesh an appropriate place to ask for each trick? I'd personally think that having a new section just for tricks would help and it'd be easier to find exactly what you're looking for.
Would you guys be able to put in a time and date of when someone makes a post to a thread? Reading through a topic, it's been really difficult to tell how recent each posts were made and whatnot (unless this was your whole intention). It really helps keep track of how active the topic is too! This is just an example of something I would like to see if the comment above wasn't clear
Yeah I've been wondering that. I really like how reddit has their threads set up but I don't know how that would work here
Date would not be difficult. Right now we are working on Instagram embeds. Also, if anyone had sign-up problems relating to their date of birth, we fixed that.
So I'm assuming I can use this thread to suggest stuff then. I think that a "proper forum etiquette" thread is MUCH needed as one of the sticky threads. Seeing as a lot of members are coming from FKC, I can already see people just using the "post new thread" option as a way to ask a question like they do in the FKC. If you use the FKC, you already know how many times the same question is asked over and over again. I myself have never been a part of forum related websites, so I don't know the unspoken and spoken do's and don'ts of how to operate a forum. I already knew some stuff due to common sense, but I mean some people don't really use that a lot. Like put it in the title that you must read this before posting stuff lol. Another suggestion would be to add a "profile" and "chatter" tab in the sidebar of the app. I like being able to click on my profile the way I do on the site, so being able to have that quick access would be dope. I also like being able to go to my profile on the website, scrolling down and clicking on the chatter box, so I think adding a tab for it would be useful.
@Nick Lectura i agree on both points. There should be a DS way to shame people who don't bother checking if the thread already exists haha. Also, we will need more moderators soon. agree 100% with a chatter sidebar, that is an easy add
Anyone can make a thread, do a quick search to see if there is already a relevant photo thread. If there isn't, start one up! @Cheech_Sander I second the date/time stamp on posts. Something I've thought about too. @Nick Lectura I'll also get on an etiquette posts. Seems like since the app drop, forum usage is waay up. Which is dope! But also, probably means it's time to lay down some basics. I'll keep it short and sweet, should be able to get it posted up by tomorrow. Gotta keep them groms in check... @Ben Lowe oi, I should probably spend more time on something else for a while
How do you start a thread from The app? I guess a dama photo thread would fit well in the 'lumberyard' area
This could be a more important issue than first thought. I have no idea how to start a thread from the app.