All prices are shipped Gt WITW 9.5/10 $25 Kusa x Sweets cushion 9.5/10 $25 Sweets Ashtroid Zebrano 8/10 $20 Craft Shift ash complete 9/10 $30 GT1 French Press w extra tama 8.5/10 $35 NG HG WillyP cushion 9/10 $30 Sweets Baja Bamboo 9/10 $25 GT Tall Boy 9.8/10 $55 GT BH Americano 9.8/10 $65
Can you update posts please. A lot of people asked about your other listings and you still left us hanging.
Not dead but just seems to post and never update. See things get sold but never any open forum communication so probably makes their deals through dm. I was made aware of a listing they sold through the buyer not shovellovell.
Looks like he hasn't been on the boards for nearly a week at this point so that's part of it. The same items may be listed in multiple locations and be sold there and without the OP dropping in regularly to update it's hard to know what's what. Also while it may be the norm on other sites posts on DS Exchange should have business conducted out in the open rather than DM. Check the Posting Rules for more info.