What did you all get for Christmas Eve/Christmas? Let us know! I'll start this off. This year I got a DWI Zebrano!
Thinking about getting an RWB classic ken for an extra tama I have laying around. Most likely birch cause birch is awesome. Also made a trade with a dude earlier this week, so those kendamas should arriving today (unless USPS effs up). 2 slaydawgs for a craft plus and $40. Not too bad, not too bad
Im a little too old to get presents but my homie wanted to give his friend a dama..i remember learning dama and playing solo so i gave him two setups..one for him and the other to give his friend so they kan slay together. His homie got a purple shenzhu grit tama on zebrano DWI ken and i got him a rasta bamboo kendama israel setup. He was definitely hyped!
Nothing (Jews don't celebrate Christmas) lol merry Christmas to everyone who does though @Nick Gallagher