Looking to offload a bunch of stuff at really low prices. Ideally want to sell it all at once but will consider individual stuff If sold as a whole, looking to get $70 CAD but again very open to offers Zmags mod - silk 8.5/10 - very good condition, some dents and minor chipping on the tama but the Ken is almost mint Comes w box and stickers Krom 9Year Bday (Tama is currently on a different ken) 7.5/10 Dents and chipping, bevel is chipped Still sticks like crazy Ken is 9/10, very minor spike wear Boost Ken 8/10 Dents around the cups, minor wear on the spike (currently strung w 9Year tama) Dave Mateo Mod Tama is 5.5/10, absolutely shredded Ken is still in good shape, but spike is glued and a bit flat Krom Deluxe Mahogany 8.75/10 Minor wear on tama, Ken is mint except for minor spike flattening Beech Terra Pill Glued spike Has some dings but still 8.5/10 Cushion clear Tamas Roulette mod - 8.5/10 minor dents Sunset mod - 9/10 very minimal wear Silk/Rubber finish from a Kusa shift mod 8.5/10 one big dent but other then that just minor wear Suuuuper grippy + tons of string, several bearing beads, kendama spike glue and a bunch of stickers Really want all of this gone, shipping from Canada and willing to negotiate. Plz buy this from me lol
@Rowan.h Pic posting is kind of messed up currently. You might try posting an IG link or link to a photo sharing site that people can click on to go see the kendama.