I'm kind of new. I can do like lunars, lighthouse flips, stuff like that but I can't get gunslinger. I can spin it but the pull is hard for me. I can't get them high enough. what do I do
How high are you trying to go? Doing only a gunslinger has me finishing just above my waist, arm bent 90 degrees.
There are two ways to do a basic gunslinger to spike. You can pull it up and sling in one single motion, which gets the sling done quickly, but might make it hard to get the tama high enough. If this is your problem, you can try the other way, which is to yank the tama up in one motion, then sling late. This is my preferred way, but I'd say it's more difficult. However, it might solve your height issue. In any case, make sure you use your knees in combination with a quick yank. Also bend your knees to spike it. In theory. if you get the sling part down properly, you shouldn't need to pull the tama up much at all.
I do it in 2 motions pull up then sling. One thing is that I have certain kens that sling well and others that don't. If you can just do the sling part while holding the tama in your other hand you'll likely have an easier time with that specific ken. If it flies off after one rotation no matter what you do then it might be a bit harder. Have you looked at tutorials? Here's a good one from Sweets.