Does anyone else suffer from dry hands? I NEVER sweat in my hands (but I swear I sweat from every other pore in my body..) and I feel like it's a major dama disadvantage! I'm currently playing my bonz mod (ash slaydawg) and the ken just feels too slippery in my bone dry hands. Can anyone else relate? Maybe the grass is just greener on the other side..
I always sweat so gunslingers are the worst and I wish(ed) <----(be careful what you wish for) my hands where dry but now I don't lol
I've never had the problem, but I saw someone in a YouTube edit somewhere who wore a yoyo glove I assume to help with it. Which honestly isn't to bad of an idea.
I feel like too dry doesn't give you that initial push that you need to swing the slingers.. I've never loved and hated a dama this much haha
I feel like I've seen that too! I played a bit of yoyo and never had to wear a glove since my hands were so dry haha
Haha yeah I just got Into yo-yoing recently and I can't play unless I have a glove. I have used it with playing kendama. It definitely gives more grip but I had to get use to it for sure
I sweat in my hands once in a while. It doesn't happen all the time, so whenever it does, slingers kinda suck. However, sweaty hands means natty tamas get grippier. When my hands are too dry, I just wipe a little bit of sweat from my forehead with my hands
I have really dry hands too, I noticed it's a bit harder to play when my hands get sweatier though... I can't do slingers as well or flips. It's beneficial for balance tricks imo but not as beneficial when it comes to ken tricks involving flips and slingers
I do, actually. A lot of people say like kendama's break in really well because of your hand sweat. But my hands are always dry. I have to kind of warm up my hands to kind of get some kind of moisture on them.
I've been thinking of making a thread about this. I've had eczema on my hand to some extent all my life (38 years, got you beat @maxdesu)which inevitably means dry hands. I've heard people say that the grime and sweat from your hands helps break in the tama especially nattys but for me it takes for ever! Also hurricanes are a pain as the string slips and swirls cut my fingers to ribbons!
for sure, i was at batb yesterday and one of the tricks i picked for competition was dub sling-dub whirlsling. since i was so nervous my hands were really sweaty and the whirlsling got stuck and flew off my finger lol
I would say dry hands suck for about everything except slingers... my hands sweat a ton and it sucks because slings are one of my favorite tricks
It seems that us dry handers are definitely in the minority.. haha. I can't imagine how tough string tricks are to you! I never do string tricks when it's cold out and my hands a dry, just too painful! this definitely seems to be where the post is going. just catching things in general is more difficult with dry hands! I never really thought about this, I wonder if oils/lotions will just make things slipperier?