I've had a bamboo ken for a few weeks now and I haven't managed to chip it with no holds barred taps & instas. So with the Double aynedter and hong gt1 on the horizon, I was wondering if anyone could give me some insight on how the durability between the two compare. As I would assume they are comparable due to both of them being glued laminates.
I have a couple bamboo kens and one has chipped but I dropped it at a weird angle. Played it pretty hard. I also have the hongboots gt1 and haven't played it really hard but haven't dropped it either. In my experience I would say that spec. Is gonna need a little more care when playing it. That being said it doesn't mean you can't tap and insta. Some kens just chip anyways. With any kind of wood. But i would say snag a gt. They are like none other.
Been running a bamboo Bahama Kendama for ~2 years and think it's great but only started playing a couple of NG HG Sweets recently so not much info on those. I will say the bamboo feels really solid probably owing to the thicker wood cuts and normal size cups; Next Gens feel a little thin to me.