Sometimes things go wrong when you're trying to learn a new trick, whats the worst damage you've inflicted? - I've seen Rodney knock himself out by taking a tama to the elbow SUPER hard! No lie, google search it! Its a well documented medical response when you smack your funny bone really damn hard. - Matt Rice broke his TV (I found the Sweets post about it first, oh well, you get the point) - I broke a picture frame in the Terra shop, was trying to lob a tama towards Rod with a sand wedge, he was trying to spike it out of midair. You can guess the rest...
Aside from the missed downspike to the shin and occasional ken to the face, I've had the ken hit the bridge of my nose a couple times (bled once), I've broken a glass cup messing around with stringless juggles, cracked my phone screen from a missed downspike, and I've slightly dented part of my laptop near the keyboard. That tama to the elbow thing sounds gnarly though! Edit: lying in bed reading this forum on my phone, and I look up and realize that I've also broken part of the barrier that my lightbulb screws into because of a moon circle flying too high lol
I tried a candlestick flip variation in 2005 for about 4-5 hours. Aside from finally throwing the dama against the wall so hard that both broke, it turns out that the lactic acid buildup from 5 hours of deep lunges is insane. I couldn't walk for like 3 days.
My dogs know not to be near me when I'm playing dama. They've gotten a couple of tamas to the head. (Don't worry they're Rottweilers and their heads are made of diamond so they're ok) also I once laced a dama dare that took me 3 hours and my dickhead friends said it didn't count bc my downspike wasn't a real Downspike and after a pretty heated argument I threw my ken hard af at my friend and missed and broke a window. Other then that just dropped damas that land hard on the floor.
That's some dedication. Did you ever lace the trick? Worst for me is just smacking myself around with the kendama trying to be all cool like Dave Mateo.
Broke the LCD of my camera when a space walk went bad. Got it replaced because I was under warranty. Cracked the replacement though but it's all good. B)
That's funny because based on the last flownamic duo it seems like this happens to him a lot as well. Haha! Looked like an intense video sesh:
Thankfully, nothing bad (yet). However we live in a pretty small space and I prefer to play outside when I can. Fully expecting something or someone will break or get injured.
I've blown out a phone screen with a moon circle drop... but physically I've kicked a tama back up to my eyebrow and split it.. sucked...
Proper. I have one of those to shred, I keep on my PAW rack in my living room. Love me a musou with no plastic tip!
I once knocked myself on my ass and broke my glasses learning kick spikes. I actually won't even try them anymore, not until I get my contacts. It was like taking a punch right to the nose, I saw stars and everything. It was an awful day at work. At the time I was working in an office and I knocked myself down and got in trouble with my boss. He told me I couldn't play kendama during down time anymore.
In my first months, I tried a spacewalk line in my room. The tama hit the lightbulb and broke it. All the mini-glasses on the floor. Was beauty.