I've been on the hunt for a new pocket tool (keychain tool), not pocket knife, and seems that nearly all the candidates have bottle openers on them. I have pretty much zero use for a bottle opener since in a pinch I can make do with a variety of makeshift alternatives like beltbuckles etc. So does anyone out there use bottle openers?
I use a bottle opener pretty regularly but pretty much only because, like you pointed out, pretty much every little tool I've ever carried in my pocket has one on it lol. Recently though I've just been carrying my keys and a normal folder with no other little gadgets. Even without a bottle opener on me I can think of like 10 different ways to open one that will honestly be more fun anyway.
Mostly I don't like having the little 'hook' on pocket tools since they end up hooking on things like my pocket when I try to get my keys out and since I don't use that feature anyway I've been on the hunt for something without it.
Thats me: once I learned to do it with a lighter, using a bottle opener is just boring! Way more fun to blast the cap off haha Warning: don't use kendamas. I'm good at blasting them off with a lighter, so I know the technique well, but it seems impossible to use a ken in a way that doesn't risk damage. Sure, I've done it successfully with a dama many times... but then every once in a while you rip half the cup off. lol!
I have one on my keychain, one on my Leatherman Wave (which is on my belt everyday at work), one tied to all of my coolers, and several in the kitchen at home. However with more and more "good" beer showing up in cans these days, I have a steadily declining need for an opener.
I would imagine this is the one: https://shop.kendamausa.com/products/kendama-bottle-opener-keychain Made by Hunter Bailey, many years ago. He was a kenco pro in the earliest days of the N American scene
Those are pretty cool. I'd have to find a bottle cap party somewhere so I could go show that one off.