post your name, IG, or anything else, i wanna follow you guys! also wanna see how many east coast players there are Alex, NJ i've been playing kendama for a little more than a year and probably wont stop @xela_dnek
Also.. (Just my 2 cents) It seems like most of the "East Coast" group on facebook is south of the Mason Dixon line, which to me (being from PA) is the South, not the East Coast. This may not be the right tread for this... but its something that has been bugging me. lol
I am originally from Long Island, NY but live in Washington, DC now. People from my hometown keep asking me, "what is it like living in the south?" I always laugh and reply "Is it really the South? I am 4 hours away from NYC." I totally see where you are coming from, however, all the states that touch the Atlantic fall under the "East Coast" in my opinion. Including WV and PA (maybe)
Andrew Benincasa, Central New York Just promoting kendama out here like everyone else. @kendama_adbenny and @cnykendama