If you know of any new up and coming companies that we should watch out for in the future go ahead and comment them below! It's always good to give those smaller companies some love too.
I don't know how "new" they are, but Active Kendama makes some real quality products. I am totally impressed with them. I hope they grow in time.
I saw a company called yasai kendamas following me and their logo is the symbol for vegetable, I guess you can say that's pretty fresh. (Pun totally intended)
I'd really like to try Engi Kendama from Japan. They've been posting on IG sporadically since March this year and I think Nonoka Kyodo and Yuki Yao were using their Kendamas durring KWC. Might see if I can buy one and get it sent to the in-laws to send over in the Christmas package for the kids.