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History Question: Juggling?

Discussion in 'The Sesh' started by dcc, Sep 22, 2017.

  1. dcc

    dcc Member

    Dec 4, 2016
    Fairfax, VA
    Historians of Downspike, is it possible to trace and identify the origin of kendama juggles? I know that it is a recent trend, only having dominated the meta in the past few years. I once saw in a Sander video something called "juggling", but it was a far cry from what people do today.
    Sep 22, 2017
  2. Dama_lacing

    Dama_lacing Member

    Jul 17, 2017
    I don't know but it would be very interesting to see if anyone does know about were the recent trends came from.
    Sep 22, 2017
  3. Nick Lectura

    Nick Lectura Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 12, 2016
    Santa Cruz, CA
    I remember reading something a while back on Facebook about a dude named "TJ Harris" (I think it was at least) who totally revolutionized modern kendama juggling. Maybe someone else on here knows? I started playing in 2014 when juggles were just picking up speed and becoming the trend, so I don't know all the OG players.
    Sep 22, 2017
  4. htimSxelA

    htimSxelA Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 29, 2016
    Sweets visited the IJC in... 2011 or 2012? A lot of jugglers picked up dama after that and started pulling some funky tricks. There are lots of examples prior to this I'm sure, but the meta started to change a little at that point.

    Juggling is a fairly 'basic' trick in some sense, so I don't think there is any one person that can claim to be the originator of it.

    I do remember Jacob Foshaug being on that game pretty early though. Check this edit from 2012: if you skip to 3:22, he has a few tricks that are the foundation for later stuff (kenflip before a juggle/swap, pull up tap into a juggle, etc)
    Sep 22, 2017
    johndmc and dcc like this.