But that beechwood will grab and bite down on the super sticky icky. @Radson what damas do you currently have, and of those which is (are) your favorite(s)? Are you looking for something new you have not tried? Let us know a little bit more about yourself. Otherwise the comments will be more about what other people like.
https://shop.kendamausa.com/products/abstract-collaboration-kendama It is a collaboration with the hip hop artist "Abstract"
@Congarranza I recently bought alot of Sweets Primes, I love that paint. I also have the teej and bray mods that paint is fun too.
Great response @Radson!! So you have sticky paints (prime and KUSA). You also have two different shapes: prime with large cups and kaizen 2.0. Seems as though you really enjoy the KUSA 2.0 shape. I don't blame you. It's a good one! I say you grab an ash 2.0 trip split! The ash 2.0 has a silk paint that I'm sure you'll like. It still has tracking from the trip split. It has a bit of tack, but not nearly as much as your current kendamas. This will make you work just a little harder on landing your balance tricks at the right angle. It will also teach you to move in smaller increments when correcting your balance. The paint lasts too!! The super tacky tamas tend to wear away, but the silk tends to keep its "slight" tack property throughout its life. They are also known to be prone to chipping. I hope this helps!! Be sure to post an update when you receive your new dama (pics are always appreciated).