So I'm trading my nick gallagher 7/10 condition and my green tribute 9.2/10 condition both superglued for a 10/10 oase legend model superglued
NoNoNoNoNo......this is a bad idea. No one wants tributes, and the Nick G. mod is really good. Do NOT trade it.
57.67 US Dollar + shipping to get one fresh (not super glued) from sweets kendama Romania. You'd be trading trash (the tribute) and a played maple pro mod for a fresh "60$" kendama (with a beech ken) if you choose to see it that way, then you kinda net $20, but a non-refundable $20. I'd say stick with the maple and keep the tribute as something to let your friends play with but thats my opinion. Either way you can still purchase the legend mod for the time being, so if you are unsure of how you feel maybe take a couple days and see if that kendama deserves to stay.