A while ago fellow slayer Cody Griswold had this idea and I wanna introduce it here to hopefully make it bigger. It's a google doc map that you can add your zipcode, name, and email (optional) so when you're visiting places you know who to contact if you wanna jam. Or you can just find more people in your area! Anyways: Here's how to add yourself: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Roqht1HMgkt16EdzcoRMJ_bInML9O-hgG_Zfm7pr6Tk/edit Here's just an overall view: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1APigROxg_z_e-oe-dNWCLxG9bV4&usp=sharing I would love to see this explode!
I'd love to see if there's a way we can integrate this into the site, in some kind of slick graphical manner.
They have OJO every year. Orange Juice open is sometimes quite a HUGE event, compared to most local jams.
Tried to add the shop when I saw this the first time but never got it to work. Finally got us added though it shows as an individual map marker not a shop.