Emily Evans, nearing 14 years old, has been playing for Kendama for just two years and is now finding herself on Kendama USA's Tribe Team. She spends most of her time practicing Kendama, reading and playing Ice Hockey for the Anaheim Lady Ducks 14AAA team as the goalie. Emily was asked to be on Tribe after her win in the advanced bracket at the Lez Dama 2 event, summer of 2016. The previous year she also took 1st but in the beginner ladder. Her progression and persistence have gotten her far, as she continues to amaze those around her. Emily was Haley Bishoff's second tribe pick and is now the third female to be added to Kendama USA. Shot/Cut by: Tj Kolesnik
Yes!!! The next generation of pro's on the up is exhilarating!! I've got my 10 month baby girl using my damas as toys.
I have watched this edit about a dozen times and each time I watch it I go to jam and feel like Ray Charles trying to lace a Downspike to Earthturn...it's a humbling experience to say the least. This girl SLAAAAYYYYSSSS so hard, and only after 2...TWWOOOO years, I'm just blown away. @Almostgets , pro status fosholio. I would cop her promodel on principle alone. I don't even know this divine human and I'm proud.
Such an awesome edit! Congrats Emmy! So great to have another girl slayer added to a big team! Loved watching you destroy at the LEZDama event this past year, hehe.