I usually bring my damas to music festivals and have a weekend full of amazed people and new Kendama fans. I flow with the lightup dama at nighttime sets. Its just a great toy for a festival. Anybody else like music festivals? Any cool dama stories? At Red Rocks I impressed someone with a trick and received a free hit of L, pretty dope.
Nice. I haven’t been to a festival since my wife and I had my daughter, but now that she’s 5 I’m hoping we’ll catch a festival soon and I’ll definitely have some Kendamas and begleri too, probably some yo-yos as well. Free L is always nice.
yee i actually dj for a living and i've been bringing my rig to every show and festival i've played recently. really interesting meeting people who also play! they always become memorable friend. kendama scene at oregon eclipse was hype. i lost my favorite one walking around at night on mushrooms tho