I've always really enjoyed axe tricks, specifically inward axe. I've noticed a lot of people really despise axes. How come?
Well, I am probably one of those guys. It's not that I despise them, I just think they look kinda goofy (in a bad way), but that's just me. They are really hard, and if you're good at it - then more power to you.
not really my jam, but all the new gen seems to be about it so ill probably have to learn them anyway, like juggles, just kinda weird until you get them sorta dialled in
I'm not really into them, never really liked the look of them all that much, and Chaz Edwards murdered the axe game long ago anyways
Never really been a fan. I think they look slightly awkward, and they don't flow very well in a line.
I think it's an interesting trick that adds technicality to a line/combo. It looks cool in my opinion, but I can see where people are coming from when they say it's a strange looking trick.
Never really seen the appeal, they kinda of look weird and awkward like many others have stated. Don't think I'll be learning it soon either
Hate them...just, please no. Maybe cause I can't do them well, but they just seem to be the ugly friend of the tama grip club
I guess so! I learned them as cliffhanger, but axe is just easier to say I guess. I definitely call them both, it seems to depend on the people I'm around usually, and what they call them.