What is your play style? Like if you were (or are) a pro, what kind of tricks would people immediately associate with your name? My play style is centered around lighthouses, gunslingers, stalls, gooncircles, and kenflips.
I'm still not sure, but for now, I'm going to say that I'm a Jack of All Trades kinda person. I don't have a specific playstyle, but I try to incorporate as much as I can into one single line. I'm trying to find a good balance of each and then just do whatever I feel like honing in on from insta j-sticks or multiple juggles.
Still developing a style really. Looking to become a well rounded Kendama player and then specialize.
I love ghost tricks don't know why just love swapping between the ken and tama. O and I'm defiantly missing the spike.
Slings and consistency. I can trip sling insanely consistently now, and I have gotten 7 slings pull up spike. Some tricks that I aim to put more towards my name are lunar and string tricks, because I love how they play and look, just that it is harder to create a line that looks good with them.
Flow style!!! I find myself doing OG cup flow and spacewalk flow a lot. Also, my go-to trick is the J-stick swap downspike.
I am a lot more on the flow side of things myself with cup based tricks. I cant lace any "bangers" but I can do a lot of stuff that looks really cool.
Literally anything but string flow. I have never found a huge interest in learning string flow, so I never did.