I've read some documentation that purpleheart can cause allergic reaction, anyone with purpleheart kendama have any I'll effects from handling this wood?
Jammed by Purple Heart for a decent amount of time and never had any allergic reactions. I also have too many other allergies to count
@Grandpa Sandz had some kind of hand rash once, but i cant remember what kind of wood or what dama. Toxicity is a misnomer as it was clearly an allergy
Nice, although, I wonder if the effect applies to dry wood or wet/dry wood. I'm sure some species of wood would be applicable for both.
That chart said that maple wood was a 2/5 on the toxicity level for irritation. I think you should be fine.
Don't even remind me man. I've been going for juggle to lighthouse for the last 4 days. Drives me crazy
Wood species that are toxic are mostly dangerous when they're being worked with. For example, the dust can contain toxic substances you don't want to inhale. With some species this is a SERIOUS risk, its always good to do a bit of research before-hand to know what you're working with. Once it is in kendama-form, unless it is a very oily wood, or you have an allergy, I don't think there is a large chance it will affect you. @Cheech_Sander I'm thinking the rash that @Grandpa Sandz had was probably from this one Kusa poisontrib paint that was amazing... Like one of my favourite paints that (n)ever came out. Except apparently I just wasn't allergic/reacting to it, because some of the other guys on the team had weird reactions. Nothing killer, but enough that it was obvious that paint was a no-go. So instead of releasing, they went on max lockdown. Wenge is kinda nasty. I've gotten little splinters while working with it, and they always get kinda red and inflamed until I pick the sliver out.
It totally was that! It would have been kind of cool to release it with his poison dart frog mod hahaha
Also, FWIW: @RodDama turned himself some purpleheart ear plugs, and he's been wearing them without problem for probably 1-2 years now I'm pretty sure. Some people probably WOULD be affected by being in contact with the wood for that long, but Rod seems to be fine