Hey so im organizing a small at the moment but has the potential to be big Kendma Open event in Red Hook , NY ITS ALL FOR FUN I have a club at my school with 30+ kids who are into it and if any pros/ local dama players are in the area in may and june let me know! Also if any companies would be willing to sponsor by giving me and my partner some damas to give away as prizes, that would be awesome It would be outside at Bard College I have a DJ I would get 1 or two local vendors to come sell food! I would make custom t shirts that will be available for purchase as well as free for competetors Im planning to have Head to Head Ladders And Freestyle Each with three levels( begin-advanced) I will also plan to have a kendama tower building team race, and a yank spike competition! If anyone is close or is interested let me know, if you havr any ideas im open to all opinions, the point is to just have a great time, and put the proceeds towards scholarships, as well as a Bard Sanctuary Fund that helps aid people in need Thanks Henry Edit Delete Report Reply Tuesday at 6:50 PM Read more at https://www.downspike.com/threads/anyone-live-near-the-hudson-valley-in-ny.1916/#t8x36sooTTRLF3tC.99