Kendama Entertainment Network

A community for the balanced lifestyle.

Should we expand / replace "sessions" with "regionals"?

Discussion in 'Sessions' started by Cheech_Sander, Mar 14, 2017.

  1. Cheech_Sander

    Cheech_Sander Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 19, 2016
    Los Angeles, CA
    Wondering if it would be easier to find if we had, under the sessions forum, something dedicated to the known scenes on here. Something like:
    1. North America
    2. Nordic
    3. Japan
    4. Romania
    5. Asia
    and to that end, supporting different languages.

    how would you divvy up the scenes?
    Mar 14, 2017
  2. goenKendama

    goenKendama Administrator Staff Member

    Oct 14, 2016
    Metro Manila, Philippines
    Neat idea but I'm not sure there's enough traffic yet. Even then I'm not so sure that you really want to segment the visitor base. I'm speaking generally here but most of us probably came here for a sense of community. Break that community up in to smaller parts and you might find hot spots where certain groups hang but they never really participate in the other areas for because they might feel uncomfortable. It happens in various enclaves of bigger cities too.

    As to multiple languages, I'm not sure that would help or hinder. If you're trying to bring the world together then you have to pick a common denominator and English is still the most common out there for business and cross-border communications. Not to mention having to have Mods with language abilities covering those areas if you go multilingual. My 2 cents/yen/peso and a bit of devil's advocate thrown in for good measure.

    You might just put stickies for various regional events and see how that goes.
    Mar 14, 2017
    Congarranza and Kendama_Cowboy like this.
  3. Sirwillcode

    Sirwillcode Slayer

    Jan 21, 2017
    Atlanta, GA
    I'm with ^. I live where no one plays except me and I hop onthis app. To get me motivated to try learn and play. The sense of community is a big reason for that.
    Mar 14, 2017
    James Hoang and Kendama_Cowboy like this.
  4. amagad

    amagad Slayer

    Feb 21, 2017
    i think it makes sense if downspike promotes itself in other countries, i think this is a great platform to achieve that level, but of course, youd need to capture that audience with the respective support for those regions. Not sure if are using google analytics or some form of measuring tool to see traffic outside of US, it may help to make educated guesses if people from other countries hit DS but move on because this is catered towards english speakers. Oh and of course, the app would need to have multi-lingual support obviously, not sure what that entails.
    Mar 14, 2017
    James Hoang likes this.