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Sweets v10

Discussion in 'The Sesh' started by Steven Goss, Jan 22, 2018.

  1. Steven Goss

    Steven Goss Member

    Sep 19, 2017
    My Baja Bamboo is coming today and I am so excited!! I wanted to create a thread so people could post their impressions on the new exotic wood primes.
    Jan 22, 2018
    Jedi_man, Sam Strohmyer and Jasper B. like this.
  2. adamv27

    adamv27 n00b

    Jan 19, 2018
    They look so good but idk if i want one or not. How was yours?
    Jan 22, 2018
    Jasper B. likes this.
  3. Cheech_Sander

    Cheech_Sander Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 19, 2016
    Los Angeles, CA
  4. Steven Goss

    Steven Goss Member

    Sep 19, 2017
    I will let know when I get it. I am still in classes but I should have it by 5pm EST.
    Jan 22, 2018
  5. Sam Strohmyer

    Sam Strohmyer Slayer

    Jan 21, 2017
    I got the Patagonia and the Ash-teroid belt coming in today. Can't wait to see how they slay.
    Jan 22, 2018
  6. Steven Goss

    Steven Goss Member

    Sep 19, 2017
    I just got my Baja bamboo, and the pro clear seems different then the other pro clear tamas i have so idk what that's about. It still seems great though. Once I play with it more ill leave a better impression.
    Jan 22, 2018
    Jedi_man likes this.
  7. Sam Strohmyer

    Sam Strohmyer Slayer

    Jan 21, 2017
    you should snap a pic comparing the "old" vs "new" in your opinion.

    I've noticed differences in cushion clear between batches. (my sweets pro-model is doing great, but my Pride-Dama Is peeling like crazy, most of the cushion is off, and I had the pride for half as long as the pro-model.)
    While cushion is a different finish entirely this sort of corroborates the idea that not every Finish coat is the same, even though it's listed as such.
    Jan 22, 2018
    Q Miller-Edwards and Steven Goss like this.
  8. Steven Goss

    Steven Goss Member

    Sep 19, 2017
    Im an idiot. I assumed pro clear and prime sticky clear were the same. Knowing that now I feel I can give a better review further on.
    Jan 22, 2018
    ttocsic likes this.
  9. Sam Strohmyer

    Sam Strohmyer Slayer

    Jan 21, 2017
    Ahh, The list of paint types is definitely getting longer and longer these days, so I can't blame ya!
    Jan 22, 2018
  10. James Hoang

    James Hoang Slayer

    Nov 8, 2016
    San Jose, CA and Milpitas, CA
    Well, I'm not sure if this is true for all the clears, but apparently people say that it feels different when directly applied to the tama with no primer at all. Not sure if you've played pro clear before this release, but maybe that's why?
    Jan 22, 2018
  11. Steven Goss

    Steven Goss Member

    Sep 19, 2017
    Yea I haven't. I have only ever played with Sweets prime sticky paint and cushion clear. It is definitely sticky, but not as much as prime sticky.
    Jan 22, 2018
    James Hoang likes this.
  12. Jasper B.

    Jasper B. Slayer

    Dec 5, 2016
    San Diego
    Pro clear is the slipperiest starting out, but once broken it, it is probably sweets stickiest paints. Trust me on this. Maybe too sticky
    Jan 22, 2018
    Steven Goss likes this.
  13. James Hoang

    James Hoang Slayer

    Nov 8, 2016
    San Jose, CA and Milpitas, CA
    But now you can just smash the tama onto the spike and just let it hang upside-down to surprise all your friends. :)
    I think aTack, even when broken in, isn't as sticky as a really good pro clear.

    I think there are still a few F3 solids with pro clear up on Amazon, so if you haven't tried pro clear applied onto regular paint and not just the wood, definitely pick one up.
    Jan 22, 2018
    Steven Goss likes this.
  14. Steven Goss

    Steven Goss Member

    Sep 19, 2017
    Thank you for that! I was super worried when I was first playing it, but I bet with the bamboo it will be on lock!
    Jan 22, 2018
  15. Austin Ayers

    Austin Ayers Member

    Dec 23, 2017
    South Carolina
    I got the Purple Heart in the mail today and I think it’s my new favorite setup. Heaviest ken that I own and I like that. The tama is close in weight as well so it feels nice. The cushion clear paint seems really nice, and I actually pulled my first inward stilt today with the freshie. This is only the second sweets I’ve got out of like 8 damas and both are pretty much honed in all-round. I cannot wait to see how it breaks in and jam it further.
    Jan 22, 2018
    James Hoang likes this.
  16. Steven Goss

    Steven Goss Member

    Sep 19, 2017
    Yea my girlfriend is getting me that one for valentines day, and I can't wait! I love cushion clear so much. It breaks in so nicely.
    Jan 22, 2018
  17. Austin Ayers

    Austin Ayers Member

    Dec 23, 2017
    South Carolina
    I can’t wait, I think it’s gonna be my daily jammer. And I had to go with the Purple Heart, it was between that or zebrano; the only woods I didn’t have.
    Jan 22, 2018
  18. Sirwillcode

    Sirwillcode Slayer

    Jan 21, 2017
    Atlanta, GA
    It sounds like you folks know your sweets paints. So would any of you happen to know what kind of paint is on the old bomb pop hg tama they had a while back. I got a slightly used one and don't have many sweets damas and am wanting someone to shed some light on it. Appreciate any help I can get.
    Jan 22, 2018
    James Hoang likes this.
  19. Thomas Ishikawa

    Thomas Ishikawa Honed Member

    Oct 13, 2016
    Indianapolis, IN
    If you mean the popsicles homegrown I think those are pro clear. If the paint looks glossy it’s pro clear. If it has like a matte finish it’s usually Cushion Clear.
    Jan 23, 2018
  20. Sirwillcode

    Sirwillcode Slayer

    Jan 21, 2017
    Atlanta, GA
    Yea that's what I mean. It is glossy. Appreciate it man.
    Jan 23, 2018