What is your "To-Lace" list for 2021? Like new years resolutions but for tricks? Here's mine: 1. Around Oban (Inward Stilt, inward lunar, inward axe, lighthouse, axe, lunar, stilt, in). 2. 1-2-3 Turntable 3. Cloud bounce (hell even if I just get it to Big Cup, I'll be stoked on it) 4. Jake Fischer Special.
Still working on honing skills at older tricks like: Lunar Tre Flip Inward Stilt Flip Jug late flip jug late flip jug late flip... Simply lacing multiple consecutive bangers
Consecutive bangers is always on my to-do list. I don't understand how certain people can be so consistent at kendama when I need a full hour or more to chase a line lol.
Jake Fischer special is a line that goes like this: 1. Airplane, 1.5 jstick swap spike; 2. Switch to tama grip, 1.5 Jstick Swap Juggle Spike; 3. Switch to tama grip, 1.5 Jstick Swap Juggle Late Kenflip Spike.
Lunar Tre of Laser flip. Around Underbird. Around Bird OTV Trade LH Trade Spike with single flips on Birds and LightHouses. Around 1.5 Swap. LOVE me some Around tricks lol