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Ben Herald blesses the kendama community with possibly one of the best edits ever made during MKO 2017, full of innovation, style, and finesse. Behold, Ben Herald's Summer 2017 Research Portfolio. . . . Volume up and enjoy. Music: jaro - 4 in da mornin Earl Sweatshirt - Quest/Power Zephire - Desperation
More... Oct 28, 201729 10 4
by Marcustodd21
If you've learned one thing about me, you know that I LOVE to travel. I basically sleep more on a plane than I do in my actual bed. This episode I travel up to Murrieta for Dylan Westmoreland's Kendama event and travel to Orlando Florida to work with Kendama USA. Here's a glimpse of what it's like to be a Professional Kendama Player.
More... Feb 10, 201770 10 5
by teejkolesnik
Mega stoked to get to do this vlog of sorts! It's my attempt at improving myself on speaking and communicating, and also to better my recording and editing techniques. Hopefully this video helps, and that you enjoyed it, and constructive criticism and ideas are always welcomed!
More... Mar 25, 2017179 10 9
by azleonhart
Here it is, the Big Apple Jam Recap! I would like to thank all of our sponsors for the prizes! (Yumu Kendama, Folken Kendama, Kendama USA, Sweets Kendamas, Krom Kendama, CWCS, Sol Kendamas, Lunatac, and Homies from NYC, Jersey, and Connecticut all came through to jam, film, and compete! Peep the film sesh at the end for some crazy tricks!
More... Feb 19, 2017131 10 5
260 17 14
by MattSweets
I've been getting a lot of questions about my process like what resin, silicone, and equipment I use. Quite honestly, I don't like sharing how I make REZ for obvious reasons. Even though I'd love to show how extensive my process is and why it's worth its price tag. Anyways, here's a small glimpse of me making one sarado without giving away too much. Enjoy!
More... Feb 28, 2017108 13 8
I finally got to play some Kendama outside. Check out this dope edit, and let me know what you think.
More... Mar 30, 2017We're always stoked with Krom vids, and this one is no exception. The latest addition to the team, Krom Kendama brings you another masterpiece, featuring the one and only JAKE FISCHER.
More... Apr 26, 2017175 9 7
by azleonhart
Kendama USA Pro Tj Kolesnik is back with Vol 2 of Kendama Adventures. This time, Pura Vida Costa Rica style Follow Tj along an 8 day journey going to a different city everyday, landing some of his current favorite style of tricks. Get your #MakeWaves Tj Kolesnik Pro Model here: Tj Kolesnik Instagram: Kendama USA Instagram:
More... Jan 28, 201888 9 4
Thank you all for the Birthday Love. Super stoked to be able to say I broke the eleven and seriously still can’t believe I DID IT! Enjoy, Share, Comment. Thank you all for the continuous love and support. || #spikehardcatchlow #shcl #kusa #kendamausa #spikehardcatchlowsociety #kaizen #kaizencraft #catchyourdreams #dreamdama
More... Jun 26, 2017Tribe team member Dylan Westmoreland spent 3 days with Tj Kolesnik in Downtown San Diego to bring you Downtown Kendama Days. Just 16 years old, DWESTY raises the bar to the next level with these tricks. Combining complexity, consistency, difficulty and style, Dylan bangs out some of the most gnarly combos and tricks. Enjoy this laid back, retro vibe edit with many tricks laced to perfection. Player: @Dwesty Shot/Cut: @teejkolesnik Pick up your very own kendama now at Read more at
More... Apr 27, 201788 9 8
by azleonhart
Been having a fantastic time playing my new Terra LBB with the awesome battlescar paint! Hope you enjoy this unboxing! I also hit a few new kendama tricks, don't miss em!
More... Jan 20, 2017