Separate names with a comma.
A community for the balanced lifestyle.
Hi - sorry for the late response to this, but I believe that was sold out and I just never updated my listing lol. I am pretty sure I sold the...
Replied on DM :) Noted!
Hello! Someone inquired about it before you, but I can put you on waitlist for it, and if they decide they're no longer interested/sale falls...
Another kendama listing/sale! EVERYTHING must go!!! Everything listed here as bundles are being sold as bundles - NO SEPARATIONS! (Again trying to...
*Amendment to ^ above response - Gallagher mods are pending. I tried to edit it on this comment but DS won't let me :P
Hello! All of these out of the damas you were interested in are still available! If you are still interested, DM me on Instagram @jennychoart and...
Hello - Sale on the KD mod is currently pending but has not gone through yet. The problem is that I am not really planning on shipping...
Hello - Just sent you an insta DM following up about the Quill as the sale has fallen through and there's someone on wait behind you. Thanks! :)
Hello - shipping estimate is an extra $6 from here to where you are :) Lmk if you are up for that and DM me either here on DS, or IG @jennychoart...
I sure hope so! :)
Hi Downspike - absolutely HUGE kendama listing/sale!!! I’m looking to get rid of everything pictured!!! I really want to downsize my collection as...
@Ben Lowe Thank you for your thoughts, Ben. I have always respected and enjoyed your kendama content, and I'm truly sorry to see that your overall...
Wait - I know that this all has nothing to do with the overall thread's topic, but I have interject here and point out that while I am completely...