Kendama Entertainment Network

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Comments on Chatter by 7Cabbages

  1. Ben Lowe
    Ben Lowe
    I have not mentioned anything before. Truth is, I have zero talent in news reports. I just blabber on, it is all in the jump cuts. That video was originally over 15 minutes long and I cut it down to 10. Filming is not the thing, editing is the thing.
    Mar 1, 2017
    7Cabbages likes this.
  2. 7Cabbages
    @Ben Lowe It's definitely a good blabber. Some might find it difficult or impossible to coherently express a certain point. Although editing does help, you do a good job and have great elocution
    Mar 1, 2017
    amor and Ben Lowe like this.
  3. Ben Lowe
    Ben Lowe
    Thank you kind sir. I do appreciate it. :)
    Mar 1, 2017
    7Cabbages likes this.
  4. Congarranza
    @Ben Lowe Definitely meeting up with you whenever I'm in Washington for a cup of coffee and a long chat about anything.
    Mar 3, 2017