Kendama Entertainment Network

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Comments on Chatter by Sir Spike

  1. ttocsic
    I think it's so that you will sweat more so your natties get honed.
    Jan 3, 2018
  2. Sir Spike
    Sir Spike
    The people I’ve seen both had painted tamas.
    Jan 3, 2018
    Congarranza likes this.
  3. Nick Lectura
    Nick Lectura
    your other hand gets cold sometimes! I know there have been a bunch of times I wish I had a glove on the other hand
    Jan 3, 2018
    ttocsic likes this.
  4. Sir Spike
    Sir Spike
    I guess possible. I saw Wyatt bray doing this in an edit but I’m pretty sure everyone else was gloveless and in a t shirt haha.
    Jan 4, 2018
    ttocsic likes this.