Kendama Entertainment Network

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Comments on Chatter by AyyAron

  1. slothymane
    Honestly the shape is pretty solid. a little too slim for my liking. Hope your weights are close to eachother!
    Those 1% Krom tamas are beautiful in the sun
    Feb 3, 2020
  2. AyyAron
    Should be here tomorrow! I was a little worried with the weight but hopefully it’s balanced.
    Feb 4, 2020
    slothymane likes this.
  3. Morgan Boucher
    Morgan Boucher
    You should expect a freaking awesome paint job with a really nice feeling. I absolutely love mine. I hope you do too
    Feb 4, 2020
  4. AyyAron
    THIS THING SLAYS!!! Straight out of the box it’s amazing and the paint is kinda similar to sweets but completely different at the same time. It’s not as sticky or tacky as sweets but it has way better grip and almost like a cushion feel to it, I have yet to lose a lighthouse or lunar on it. Also comes with a 6-7 finger string which I have never played one that long and I think I’m sticking with it.
    Feb 6, 2020
    JHard502710 and Morgan Boucher like this.