Babbo looks smaller here for some reason. I haven't seen the anime so I don't really know the backstory on it/him.
After the first KWC, a bunch of foreigners were staying at the Kubota family's house in Nara. One night, a bunch of the crew walked to a 7/11 that was maybe 10-15 minutes away, to grab drinks and use the wi-fi. They were jamming kendama in front of the store, and the person working at 7/11 thought they were a nunchuk gang, so the police were called. Police showed up, rounded up all the westerners, and ended up back at the Kubota household, where Yuka had to explain that they weren't a gang, and that they had picked up literally the world champion of kendama in their police car (Bonz). After some explaining, the cops decided the dama players weren't a danger, and left. LOL. Japan
@RodDama do you have a pic of the 7/11 incident? I feel like I've seen one as your desktop background before
I was shoo-ed out of an area of my local mall for filming once. Nothing too serious though, thankfully.
My friend, @Andy Dama , and I were at our local mall just messing around. My friend stupidly decided to climb on the two story roof of the collided down sports authority. He succeeded. Me and Andrew decided to stay on the ground and watch. 5 minutes later, 3 cop cars showed up and 3 mall security cars. We ran and hid in the Barnes and noble. We eventually met up with him 30 minutes later. He was banned for 6 months. He said the cops were looking for us, but he didn’t narc. He said they were looking for two kids with “arm braces”. Those “arm braces” were are Kendamas hanging around our necks!
I went to music festival and the security picked it up smelled the cups and looked in the bevel for a good 5 mins then told me I had to throw it out or walk back 6 city blocks to the car after I was scanned in and told me I wouldn’t be aloud reentry either