not rare round 2: random b-roll of flowers or bushes out of focus logo in camera kusa lens flares picture of a kendama with coffee collection photo Sweets' players on the MKO trophy
not rare: some large number of juggles to spike thumby lunars extra strings TJ Kolesnik pro model photo sorta rare: 1-2-3 lunar flip 90's sakura Chrome KROM viking Chaz Edwards personally signed pro model rare: Not sweating in Japan Earth blue musou Alex Sierra holographic stilts card KE gold dama trophy veery rare: Naked Zawa covered in soap from the public washroom, running through the park after his fireworks party
Can we make a 2017 edition of this thread featuring ultra rare cards such as an in-stock GT or a major competition that So Kanada doesn't win?
In the style of Magic: The Gathering GT Drop 85 Instant Put a legendary artifact on the battlefield named "GT" with the subtype "Kendama." Split Second
common- Wyatt Bray quint gooncircles Ben Herold 7 turn whirlwinds/J-sticks a player sponsered by sweets in some way Juggle juggle kenflip taptaptaptap kenflip juggle juggle insta-lighty insta-lighty ya you know the rest romanian kid yanking rare- a kid without a Tj pro mod on stage quad stilt flips standard sized kendamas a sweets tutorial where sweets doesn't mess up
DANK Holographic gold leaf secret rare New-gen kid with a string under 5 fingers Hidden platinum-lettered Ebay kendama that is not a cheap knockoff
RARE CARDS (i.m.o.) Ocean Mamalias Mikey Schelling & Mikey's first 7 tap Jordan Vargas 7 tap juggle Alex Mitchels' solar flare Dave Mateo (11 & 12 jstick version) Zach Magnuson's Golden yank KUSA QA testing(aka egg play dama) Bonz's gypsy & ufo lune at MKO Bryson Champ card kwc Wyatt Champ Card kwc Dark Horse/Underdog win (So kanada moment) Cooper's Lean House/ Tight rope Thorkild C&F champ card Bonz C&F champ card Krom x 430 trip split Kendama (white/navy blue/black) HG Brazilian Cherry HG Keyaki Sweets Focus Team Card FSKD tamas TK 16 jka dama KenCo Proto Matt DeCoteau Keith Matsumura Kozorof (komo logo) KUSA Pro mods in padauk Bonz NKR moment (Bonz is is not human) Reed Stark Kendama is GANG edits What an Honor To be a Mediocre 100 big cups WKA JKA EVERY MUGEN EVER Shin Fuji Nic Stodd edit 3 Peter Ramos POV edits GT1 wormhole Edric Owen's Finger Swirl(my Longest swirl attempt)
Also another possible rares: Musous On the plane Kenyatta's Lense Break on Yatta is tribe edit Dave Mateo's tantrum XD the most scariest thing i've ever seen in kendama ever!!!