Yo guys! Most of this stuff is sold so i was like "i guess i gotta make a new post for what i have for sale" then i realized you can edit the original post.. Soo im gunna use this thread kinda like a shop and update as stuff goes in and out. I will have it updated in a couple days! Make sure to turn on notifications if you wanna stay posted!
Just updated everything guys! Feel free to leave feedback on how I should set this up, if anything is confusing, etc. Thanks in advance!
Willing to trade? I might have some new kusa or sweets kendamas here but I'd have to check, intrested in either jumbos or green proclear
I may be down to trade, depends whatcha got. if you have facebook pm me there my name is Michael Joseph Reeves.
Is the purple full stained beach still around. If it is, how much is it to ship it to Alberta Canada? Also how is it for balance tricks(eg. Lighty lunar stilt)?
I don't have any purple stained. I have a red stained and a purple painted dama. I can send you pictures on Facebook or IG. Where do you want me to contact you?
the one right next to the full red. that is gone? i have no other media i can start a private conversation if you want.
nah i still have that Ill check how much it would cost to send to alberta and get back to you tomorrow.