mmm I do appreciate the offer, but tbh I generally avoid such things. Bad enough I drink coffee daily Maybe I'll try it out
@htimSxelA @CodyGriz Yo you guys every Hurd of hot chocolate.. Shit is crazy good I'll show you what's good
Yeah. Shifts are definitely worse at slings than slims. The slims sling really well, but the shifts are a little beefier requiring a larger motion to get it to flip, making the slings slower. I doubt people could get higher than a 6 or 7 on a shift that easily. Slims are a lot beter for sling, and the slings whip around very fast. I can get the motion for about an 8 or so on my slim, so for slings, I recommend a slim. My record slings to spike is 7 right now, but I feel like I may be able to get an 8 or 9 some time soon. The sling ability on the slim actually does NOT affect the lunar performance, which is amazing, so I love the slim. I actually have a few shifts and slims of my own, and I would say the slim is just a better dama over all, but the shift is still worth trying. I feel like the shift is better for stalls because of the shape of the cup rims and proportions. I agree also of what you said, that kendama USA is a much more valid kendama company than they were last year or the year before. The new crafts and kaizen shift/slim actually can out perform many of the competitors kendamas if you are into kendama USA products.
Also, my MKO setups might change as I heard and seen some new leaked products that are going to be available at MKO that I might have to get.
I’m newer too, so resin kens are competition ok? I would have figured the Sol sticky cups and resin cast kens wouldn’t be competition approved..?
Depends on the competition, but there isn’t any sort of restriction on what the ken is made of as far as I know. @htimSxelA would have more knowledge on that than me but I do know some people have used REZ/resin made kens for MKO comps in the past.
Honestly mine might change too depending on what I’m really feeling just before I leave (at least the damas I plan on taking with me from home). Also really hoping KUSA has that setup station like last year at their booth where you can check weights, superglue, and switch out string.
I wasnt there last year, but that sounds amazing! I hope they have that this year too. I would definitely make a banger setup
Just over 2 weeks away and NAKO will be upon us! What setups will everyone attending be taking with them? What one will you compete with?
Trying out the AM open this year! Either my red Yumu I competed with last year, one of my new Yumus (purple stripe or teal fadenil) I ordered if they come soon enough, or my Fraser mod. I'm leaning towards the Yumu because everyone is going to use a Fraser mod and I'd like to change it up, and the Yumu shape is best overall for Axe and it slays pretty much anything with ease, and the paint is my favorite of any dama.
Not going to NAKO because of school and the fact that international travel is mad expensive, but if I were to go I'd be competing at the AM open with my Mateo Mod, my Sweets Prime Dot Burst, and my Cereal Homer Mod.