i've been fingerboarding since 2006, used to post on various fb forums but it seems that instagram is where its at now. my account is @drinkball but I havent posted recently, would love to see more kendama players that fingerboard too
So I got into skilltoys via fidget spinners lmao. Back when the huge explosion of fidget spinners happened, there were tons of companies making high end spinners. My favorite company made a begleri, and that was my first official skilltoy I played with. (That was just over 3 years ago) I mostly stuck with that for years until I felt like exploring all the other potential options, and started checking out everything I could get my hands on. Knucklebones, jimpys Thumbchucks, juggling, monkey knuckles, MKUltras, knucklebatons (pseudo penspinning), balisongs, finger boards, footbags/hackey sacks, contact coins (deadeyes), spinning tops, and finally (I think) kendama. Begleri is my big go to, and kendama is slowly getting up there in dedication. C: