Kendama Entertainment Network

A community for the balanced lifestyle.

There is a thing.Parents despise that i'm jamming the dama.

Discussion in 'Beginners' started by Jamboy, Dec 14, 2017.

  1. goenKendama

    goenKendama Administrator Staff Member

    Oct 14, 2016
    Metro Manila, Philippines
    From talking to some of the families we've had come to our events or who I've talked to at the shop here are a just a few things that might be happening:
    • If they see that kendama play has gotten you out of the house and "away from video games" spending more time outside with friends then they're probably happy about you playing.
    • If kendama causes you to avoid your obligations with your family and responsibilities in/around the house they're probably not happy about it.
    • If you are prone to getting into the latest "fad" or new thing then dropping it fairly quickly, you guessed it, not so much support from them.
    • If you tend to lose focus on things but kendama has made you better at staying "on-task" then they'll be good with it there too.
    • If you are able to bring them into the community and share your love of kendama then they will definitely "get it."
    • Oh yeah, noise. If you're making a racket you're likely to get some grief. Happens when you play the music or TV too loud too I bet.

    We specialize in helping all ages get into kendama and there are very specific benefits that can be readily identified if you take the time to show them to parents, working professionals, and others you might not imagine being interested. For example, I've been showing kendama to several doctors lately and they think it's great.

    If people tend to ask "Why do you need so many kendamas" check out that thread for ideas on how to explain it to them.

    Anyway that's my 2 cents/yen/peso worth and as always YMMV. :D
    Jan 7, 2018