Kendama Entertainment Network

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What is your routine when you get a fresh dama?

Discussion in 'The Sesh' started by dama.emmy, Jan 3, 2017.

  1. DaKaiz3nWizard

    DaKaiz3nWizard Member

    Jan 16, 2017
    Mapleton UT
    Begin slaying
    Jan 16, 2017
  2. Chad Covington

    Chad Covington Slayer

    Sep 30, 2016
    Lexington, KY
    One of the first things that I do when I get a new kendama is teach beginners downspike on it. Really breaks it in quickly ;)
    Jan 16, 2017
    James Hoang likes this.
  3. lategreat808

    lategreat808 DS Legend

    Dec 5, 2016
    Eau Claire, Wisconsin
    I usually check it over for any flaws before I do anything else in case I need to send it back. After that I immediately change the string out because I'm one of those weird left handed people your parents warned you about. After that I will usually jam on it for an hour or so and then decide whether or not I want to glue the tip, which as of lately has been a no but if it's a softer wood I will glue it after the tip has dulled a bit. I actually think I'm gonna go ahead and glue the tip to this birthday slaydawg tomorrow. When I glue the tip though I do it in thin coats over about a three day period so I don't get that sharp tip. Each time in between layers of glue I will jam on it for about 15 minutes or so to round out the tip a little. I find doing this helps create a protective ball of glue of the very tip. That high impact gorilla glue works well for this.
    Jan 16, 2017
  4. Congarranza

    Congarranza DS Legend

    Jan 10, 2017
    Camarillo, CA
    I throw all the packaging away, shove extras into my hording shoe box, peep the paint job, and Moshikame to baseball :(
    Jan 16, 2017
    Cheech_Sander likes this.
  5. Cheech_Sander

    Cheech_Sander Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 19, 2016
    Los Angeles, CA
    Has anyone here returned a kendama due to egg-iness? Or other imperfections? or do you just grin and bear it
    Jan 19, 2017
    Nick Dodenhoff likes this.
  6. bsposer

    bsposer Member

    Nov 14, 2016
    I got a Hors from KROM that was ever so slightly eggy. They just have me 50% off since I was too lazy to send it back. Eventually gave it away.
    Jan 20, 2017
  7. Andrei Rivera

    Andrei Rivera n00b

    Jan 3, 2017
    1. Glue the spike
    2. Replace string with a black one with a metal washer. Check string length (three fingers for me, used to do two-fingers, but then one-turn tricks happened)
    3. Moshikame, Around Europe, Around the World, Around Japan, Earth turn, Jumping Stick...until i get bored and throw it to the bin (i don't do the bin)
    Jan 24, 2017
  8. James Hoang

    James Hoang Slayer

    Nov 8, 2016
    San Jose, CA and Milpitas, CA
    Gonna bump this one up too. Kinda want to see what our new slayers do with their new damas!
    Sep 23, 2017
  9. azleonhart

    azleonhart Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 12, 2016
    Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Hahaha now i find that i gotta keep them in a "Freshie" box first, and wait till i get a new Spiked episode recording to unbox, before i get to lay my hands on it!
    Sep 24, 2017
    Congarranza and James Hoang like this.
  10. Dylan Hunter Onderko

    Dylan Hunter Onderko Member

    Sep 26, 2017
    Fairmont, WV
    Just got my Double-KA Mod last night! First thing I did was restring it leftie and kenditioner! Then what I do is check lunar balance. Next, I hit all the cups (big, small, then base). From base cup I try trade lighthouse for stick/balance. Then I hand roll, swirl, and finish with an airplane! Then usually start running a random gambit of Luanda, stilts, and various stalls for feel and to start breaking it in!
    Sep 26, 2017
    Gasiek likes this.
  11. Emil Apostol

    Emil Apostol DS Legend

    Jan 4, 2017
    1. Admire the freshness of the new dama.
    2. Take pictures of it
    3. Glue the spike
    4. Do some basic tricks to test out play
    5. Try not to drop it
    6. Drop it
    7. Try not to cry
    8. Cry a lot
    9. Try to take better care of it
    10. End up shredding it anyway.
    Sep 27, 2017
    Congarranza and Gasiek like this.
  12. Edric Owen Ladera

    Edric Owen Ladera Slayer

    Dec 8, 2016
    Do random tricks then it's up to me to make some new tricks to chase or just continue my chase tricks if able...
    Sep 29, 2017
  13. Duke Dean

    Duke Dean Member

    Dec 21, 2016
    Take thousands of pictures before it gets completely destroyed
    Sep 29, 2017