Kendama Entertainment Network

A community for the balanced lifestyle.

Worst trends in Kendama

Discussion in 'The Sesh' started by Dæmon, Sep 26, 2016.

  1. goenKendama

    goenKendama Administrator Staff Member

    Oct 14, 2016
    Metro Manila, Philippines
    @KeeganS It's not that I don't understand your position and I can even empathize to an extent but personally I don't believe it should be the concern of those outside the sale, assuming no deception as mentioned above. Put another way, and this is still just my 2 yen, it isn't up to non-participants to put a value on anything. The assignation of value comes from the people in the actual transaction and, unless they tell us, there is no way to understand or know how they got to their decision that this particular object is "worth it" at a given price.

    I can appreciate a healthy discussion about differing view points but in the end we are all responsible for our own decisions and must live our lives accordingly. I will be most disappointed if, in the future, that is no longer the case. My burgers I like well-done and would rather not have someone else dictating how it is cooked for whatever reason. YMMV

    *As an aside, thank you for this reasoned discussion. They're hard to come by in some quarters these days.
    Jun 10, 2020
  2. KeeganS

    KeeganS DS Legend

    Dec 6, 2016
    Boise, Idaho
    Oh, same to you. Fortunately we can keep things from escalating to higher aggressive conduct like we’ve both seen on other threads and sites[/user]
    Jun 10, 2020
    htimSxelA and goenKendama like this.
  3. htimSxelA

    htimSxelA Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 29, 2016
    Price is subjective, and thus very tough to truly declare. I do generally agree with @goenKendama here.

    For whatever reason, some people are willing to pay a lot for specific items. Likewise, some people value things they own beyond their original retail receipt value. If those two people meet, so be it.

    I think commenting to alert someone about scammy behaviour is fair too though.
    The real skin-in-the-game way to call them out would be to offer the same item, at a lower price.
    Jun 10, 2020
  4. KeeganS

    KeeganS DS Legend

    Dec 6, 2016
    Boise, Idaho
    Not gonna lie, i almost did exactly that
    Jun 10, 2020
  5. Emil Apostol

    Emil Apostol DS Legend

    Jan 4, 2017
    I generally despise scalpers. I've experienced their scumminess firsthand in my other hobbies; for example, scalping is especially bad in the Magic: The Gathering community.

    However, if there is someone willing to buy at the price offered by the seller, we can't stop the transaction from happening. Laissez-Faire, as the old economists would say.
    Jun 10, 2020
  6. KeeganS

    KeeganS DS Legend

    Dec 6, 2016
    Boise, Idaho
    Yes. To go on the record, if someone is willing to pay an inflated price I cant personally stop them as much as I cant really make the seller lower their pricing, however I believe the buyer can get a much fairer price for the same quality either from someone else or the original company if it’s still a kendama in production and circulation.
    Jun 10, 2020
    Emil Apostol likes this.