Kendama Entertainment Network

A community for the balanced lifestyle.

GT - E1

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GT announces the E1, their first foreign made (mass produced) kendama, clocking in at only $35.

This kendama looks HOT!

But how do you feel about GT going o'seas? Does it kill "small batch big idea?" Or is a fair move keeping in line with the demand for cheaper damas?

Posted by: Dæmon

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  • Sirwillcode

    I think it takes their original mission statement and throws it overseas as well. No small batch, no gt. I didn't think the company was just for profit, but now I do. I think product quality will go down hill and so will their client base. Who knows though. But I wouldn't have quit kusa, who has almost all overseas damas, just to get my own. Seems counter productive. Maybe I'll be wrong, but I don't think it's a great move on their part.
  • Etxan Rxe Dxma
    Etxan Rxe Dxma

    I want one so bad
  • Dantama

    Give it to me *.*