Kendama Philippines - Community Edit #1
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Hello, Downspike! I hope you all are doing well.
Last January, some kendama players from the Philippines came together to film tricks for what would become our first Community Edit. This also marks the launch of our YouTube channel, Philippines Kendama Community, so please do leave a like and subscribe if you like what you're seeing. We plan to upload any future edits by Filipino Kendama players onto this channel, so stay tuned!
This video is full of heaters, so I hope you guys stick around and enjoy our edit. Thank you!
CREDITS (with Instagram Handle):
Filmed by:
Zaqeus Coronel (@lofty_lefty)
Emil Apostol (@kendamapostol)
Edited by:
Zaqeus Coronel
Kendama Play by (in order of appearance):
Jake Mendioro (@juuke_kun)
Ysrael Rabe (@ysraelrabe)
Zaqeus Coronel
Knox Leppago (@knox_dama)
Emil Apostol
Eruel Ursua (@eruelursua)
Posted by: Emil Apostol
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