Kendama Entertainment Network

A community for the balanced lifestyle.

Nativ x Sol Kendamas Collab Edit

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Sol Kendamas and Nativ Kendama came together to provide you guys with one of the coolest collaborations we've done yet. This kendama consists of a unique striped design on one of our sticky painted ash tamas paired with a French made beech Nativ ken.

This edit features the following players: Timothee Berthelot - Nativ Oscar Ealand - Nativ Chad Covington - Sol Kelvin Wong - Sol Alex Mitchell - Sol Liam Rauter - Sol

Filmed by: Chad Covington Kelvin Wong Liam Rauter Timothee Berthelot Oscar Ealand Teodore Fiorina

Cut by: Chad Covington

Posted by: goenKendama

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  • xplodit

    Unreal edit! Style tricks for days