Kendama USA - Kenyatta Williams - Mix Tape - Volume 2
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Mixtape Volume - 2 is HERE! For those of you who remember Kenyatta's OG Mixtape edit, we now bring you the sequel! Kenyatta's Mix Tape Volume - 2 takes place in sunny San Diego California where Yatta and Mags were sent on a four-day film mission running around stomping tricks! This edit showcases Kenyatta's unique playstyle, endless flow, and the love he has for kendama. We are very excited to bring you guys a fresh Kenyatta edit! Show some love in the comments. Always remember Spike Hard Catch Low. Kendama Play - Kenyatta Williams Instagram - @th0k3n Shot/Cut - Zach Magnuson Instagram - @mags_prod - Kendama USA
Posted by: goenKendama
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