Kendama Entertainment Network

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けん玉対決 天才中学生コンビ(ノブ&ソウマ)vs世界王者(ワイアットブレイン)

 237    4   3

I'm just gonna leave this here...

Posted by: teejkolesnik

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  • Blake W.
    Blake W.

    It seemed like Wyatt had no clue at all what they were saying or the meaning behind their words...
  • Joel Clayton
    Joel Clayton

    Amazing video!! That 2 turn tap down spike was way sick.
  • James Hoang
    James Hoang

    Is Wyatt using a prototype Craft ken before they were released with the seal? Because I saw the burn lines on the rim of the big cup, but I'm not sure about the base cup. I mean, it looks VERY reminiscent of the Craft design.