Kendama Entertainment Network

A community for the balanced lifestyle.

Bryce Holley - CoreDama - Kendama Edit One

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Just bumping my first edit here on DS =]
Hoping to make #2 soon!

Posted by: Bryce Holley

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  • Cheech_Sander

    Are you affiliated with c.ore freeride? Those guys were in Bracket reel a couple years
  • Bryce Holley
    Bryce Holley

    Yeah! HBish was in Core as well. She introduced me to dama, and I introduced it to a few people in Core. That lil squad is pretty much the only dama scene in Corvallis, so we call it Coredama =]
  • Michael Joseph Reeves
    Michael Joseph Reeves

    Helll yeahh such a dope video dude! Love your style!
  • Vlats

    Nice and chill. Great tricks