Kendama Entertainment Network

A community for the balanced lifestyle.

Carson Valley Kendama Edit 3

 54    4   3

Probably the most iconic and nostalgic kendama video I've ever made, throwing it back to CVK Edit 3 from 2013. The goal was not to land the nastiest bangerz you've ever seen (even though some of this was cutting edge at the time), but rather to include as many different players as possible and shoot in beautiful locations, and have a blast doing it. I think that's really what made it so popular, and I always love going back to read through the comments that people have made saying that this is the video that got them into dama in the first place. And that's really what it's all about right? Spreading the dama love, making lasting friendships, and having fun.

Posted by: A_Bachman

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  • AndrewBenincasa_CNYK

    This was the edit that got me into kendama. I have probably watched this over 100 times
  • J-Swish

    The best!
  • MicahDama

    Sweet edit, love seeing all the different players with different Kendama.

    The first song made me feel real good.