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Whirlwind / Inward Whirlwind Kendama Tutorial

 18    1   2

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Posted by: Uriel Sanchez

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  • Cheech_Sander

    I find it easier to "zero spin" whirlwind.

    what I mean by that is I prefer to just throw the tama perfectly straight up without it flipping.

    I have a hard time getting the earth turn right with the lower grip. Any tips for correcting it?
  • Uriel Sanchez
    Uriel Sanchez

    Its hard to reteach yourself but its possible. Ive spent years reteaching myself tricks like juggle for example. Learn that the trick is 2 parts. An earth turn then a kenflip. Do the earth turn first and then do the kenflip while the earth turn is in the air. I think the reason it might be "zero spinning" is because youre concentrating too much on the kenflip part of the trick. Let me know if that helps