Kendama Entertainment Network

A community for the balanced lifestyle.

Kendama News - April 2017

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Here's what I got for kendama news in April, enjoy!

Posted by: Ben Lowe

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  • James Hoang
    James Hoang

    What is the pink dama that's slightly hidden over on the right on the shelf? Also thought that the Midnight Mist colorway was just a 2014 Willy P. pro model tama slapped onto a Sol maple ken.
  • Ben Lowe
    Ben Lowe

    @James Hoang That's a pink tribute that I bought way back in the day for a little juggle/kendama class last summer. I have a few tributes and kusa classics on that shelf that I don't really play (but the kids and whomever else wants to try a kendama do.)
  • Churlthomp

    Love what you are doing man.
  • Steezdiaz

    killin it dude!
  • kotakago

    Loving your kendama youtube series!
    I always enjoy them and sharing info with my japanese friends:)

    Just found some wrong info in your vid.

    Ozora kendama is pronounced "Taisei".
    Phantom blue is made by Iwata mokko, but its not Mugen musou .

    Thanks for your awesome work!
    much love
  • Ben Lowe
    Ben Lowe

    @kotakago thanks so much! Yeah when it comes to some of the news from Japan I don't have a great understanding. I appreciate the help!
  • Exzio
