MKO 2017 - Open Division Trick List
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ARE YOU READY FOR THE 2017 MINNESOTA KENDAMA OPEN? Just like last year and the years before, here is how the Open Division will work: Players will play head to head in a bracket style tournament. Two opponents at a time will face each other and draw tricks from a stack of cards. Taking turns, the first player to lace the trick gets a point. First to 3 points wins! But, theres a catch this year… Although we have 31 tricks for the Open Division in total, the stack you will be choosing from will only contain 10 of those tricks at any time. We will be changing the stack throughout the competition to spice things up! GOOD LUCK & START PRACTICING! 1. Trip Gunslinger 2. Around Underbird 3. Kenflip Juggle Kenflip Spike 4. Jumping Stick x3 5. SWITCH 1-turn Airplane 6. Inward Lunar - Lighthouse - Flip Inward Lunar - Tradespike 7. Downspike - Penguin Spike 8. Dub Gunslinger - Dub Gunslinger 9. Handle - Earth - Handle 10. Stilt - Cliffhanger - Inward Stilt 11. 1 Turn Swap Gunslinger 12. Dub Stilt Flip 13. Forward 1/2 Mooncircle Lighthouse - Lighthouse Flip Tradespike 14. SWITCH Stuntplane Fast hand 15. Kenflip Bird 16. 1-Turn Trade Candle - Trade Airplane 17. Airplane Dub Tap In 18. 1-Turn Penguin Airplane - Penguin Jumping Stick 19. Hanging Stuntplane Fasthands 20. Spacewalk Cliffhanger 21. 1-Turn Tap Juggle Bird 22. Handlestall - Ringstall - Bird - Over the valley 23. Trip Inward Lunar Flip 24. Inward Lunard Backflip - Flip In 25. Trip Inward Whirlwind 26. Inward Stilt Monkey 27. 1-Turn Tap Insta Lighty Insta Lighty Flip Trade 28. Bird - Dub Over the Valley - Dub In - Dub Earthturn 29. Dub Flip Juggle - Dub Flip Juggle - Spike 30. Half Jug Candlestick - Half Jug Spike 31. Scooping Goldfish Insta Kenflip Spike Check out for more info about the compeitition
Posted by: MattSweets